
Changing Your Todays To Shape Your Unseen Future

Faith, actions, and prayers will change your “today” and shape your future!  Sounds sim­ple enough, right?  Like so many oth­er things in life….”more to it than meets the eye” may be an appro­pri­ate cliché.  I am not sug­gest­ing change for the sake of change.  Don’t mis­un­der­stand me; for those of you who are hap­py with your “today” and hap­py with your prayer life; I don’t sug­gest chang­ing a thing.  But, should you want and need changes to shape a pros­per­ous future for your entire being, body, soul, and spir­it then fol­low along.  You can shape your unseen future.  The deci­sion is yours!

Every day is your day.  What will you do with your today as it arrives dai­ly?  Chang­ing your future begins now today.  Any­thing in your life today that you would not want in your future, you need to act on, now.  Any thoughts, words, or actions that will NOT bring what you desire for your future you need to change to thoughts, words, and actions you would desire.   Any neg­a­tives will can­cel a pos­i­tive.

The fol­low­ing spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ples apply to all aspects of our lives whether it is phys­i­cal [sick­ness & dis­ease, pros­per­i­ty or pover­ty] men­tal [hap­pi­ness or depres­sion], or spir­i­tu­al [all right in your spir­it].  Do you have the peace that comes with your gift of sal­va­tion?

Pro­found Spir­i­tu­al Prin­ci­ples

Here is anoth­er pow­er­ful spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ple that will help to under­stand how to change your today and shape the future you desire.  Paul said:  “For our light afflic­tion, which is but for a moment, is work­ing for us a far more exceed­ing and eter­nal weight of glo­ry, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are tem­po­rary, but the things which are not seen are eter­nal.”  Ref. 2 Corinthi­ans 4:17–18

Regard­ing shap­ing my future, I think of this in this way; I have goals for my per­son­al life, and my career.   Any chal­lenges I must meet to reach those goals, any chal­lenge, whether in sick­ness or health, phys­i­cal, men­tal or spir­i­tu­al, is my “..light afflic­tion”.

Then, the line “…which is but for a moment” is the time I take to remove any road blocks or my chal­lenges; just a blink on the cal­en­dar of time.

And the line “…exceed­ing weight of glo­ry” that I will expe­ri­ence, as I suc­cess­ful­ly meet those chal­lenges, is to reach my goals.  Ah, but;  I will reach my goals only while I am NOT look­ing at the things as they are, but while look­ing at things I desire [my goals] which are not seen.  When I fol­low God’s words, I can change my “seen chal­lenges” into my “goals accom­plished.”

Fol­low­ing God’s Word

And I believe this is just one more rea­son God told Joshua:  “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall med­i­tate in it day and night, that you may observe to do accord­ing to all that is writ­ten in it.  For then you will make your way pros­per­ous, and then you will have good suc­cess.” 

Anoth­er pro­found­ly pow­er­ful spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ple that can eas­i­ly be over­looked in this scrip­ture is “…but you shall med­i­tate in it …”.  Note the def­i­n­i­tion of med­i­tate: A prim­i­tive root; to mur­mur (in plea­sure or anger); by impli­ca­tion to pon­der: — imag­ine, med­i­tate,  mourn, mut­ter, roar, X sore, speak, study, talk, utter.  Source eSword Bible Dic­tio­nary.

Faith comes by hear­ing, so when we study, utter, mut­ter, speak, and talk God’s word, our faith is com­ing [grow­ing] as we so act.

Trust­ing God is the solu­tion, Faith is the Answer

Words like if and try, por­tray a lack of con­fi­dence which can invite fear, the oppo­site of the faith we need to accom­plish our goals.  Words cre­ate images, so mis­takes can be brought on as result of fear by cre­at­ing wrong images in our minds.  Being anx­ious and wor­ried of your chal­lenges and speak­ing neg­a­tive­ly of them will pro­duce wrong images which will shape your unseen world.  Cre­ate the right images by using the right words and you will cre­ate suc­cess.  Faith is the answer; faith in the truth, faith in God’s word.

Trust­ing God allows you to see your future through your faith.  Faith works through love and trust—in God.  Faith is not blind, faith sees.  See your goals accom­plished through the eye of faith.   Per­fect love will cast out your fears.  Do your words, con­cern­ing your chal­lenges, line up with God’s word?  If not, don’t speak them.  If you should be chal­lenged so adverse­ly that you don’t know what to say, then say noth­ing.  Wait on the Lord, ask the Lord for advice [wis­dom] and go to the Word of God for help.  Ref:  Philip­pi­ans 4:13

These prin­ci­ples apply to all aspects of our lives whether it is phys­i­cal [sick­ness & dis­ease, pros­per­i­ty or pover­ty] men­tal [hap­pi­ness or depres­sion], or spir­i­tu­al [being right in your spir­it].

Do you have the peace that comes with your gift of sal­va­tion?

Of course as humans we can err, but faith, prayer, and right action will be your key to Chang­ing Your Today and Shap­ing Your Future.  One mes­sage from the New Tes­ta­ment says, “As you believed, so let it be done for you.”


Fol­low me next time as I bring you more of God’s Design for Man.

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7 months ago

Gods design is full of help­ful infor­ma­tion you pro­vide in your arti­cles.

7 months ago

I am tru­ly thank­ful to you for this this web site God’s Design for man; fan­tas­tic writ­ing.

7 months ago

I like the truths you have put into your arti­cles; all the great con­tent.

7 months ago

I am tru­ly thank­ful to God, and to the own­er of this web site who has shared these fan­tas­tic truths.

7 months ago

truth is awe­some! I don’t believe I have read a sin­gle thing like that before. So great to find some­one will­ing to write about God’s design for mankind. Real­ly.. thank you for your truth­ful words. God’s word is some­thing that is need­ed on the inter­net, truth for all of us!

8 months ago

God’s Design; is real­ly inter­est­ing, You’re a very skilled blog­ger. I’ve joined your feed and look for­ward to seek­ing more of your mag­nif­i­cent post. Also, I’ve shared your site in my social net­works!

8 months ago

I appre­ci­ate you shar­ing God’s Design for our lives. Thanks Again. Cool.

8 months ago

Very well pre­sent­ed. God’s Design is awe­some and thanks for shar­ing. Keep shar­ing and keep moti­vat­ing oth­ers.

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