The Paradigm of True Knowledge of Success

Men and women often miss the fact, or will not accept; that all true knowl­edge of suc­cess prin­ci­ples was includ­ed in CREATION when man was cre­at­ed.  Regard­less of your beliefs, man was endowed with the will and the abil­i­ty to use all those suc­cess prin­ci­ples on his life’s jour­ney. Man did NOT invent those prin­ci­ples, but has free­dom, and abil­i­ty, to use them. In fact, the lit­tle known and scarce­ly under­stood suc­cess prin­ci­ples were taught more than 2000 years ago by the great­est teacher that ever lived.  Jesus Christ’s mis­sion, as I see it, was to teach God’s design for man.  Uni­ver­sal laws direct­ing man’s pros­per­i­ty [suc­cess] have been writ­ten about for thou­sands of years. So there are many sources of these pow­er­ful unfath­omable spir­i­tu­al truths avail­able for us all.

Knowl­edge and Choic­es:  Man was giv­en the will of choice; he can choose LIFE or death.  It is man’s choic­es that lead to suc­cess or fail­ure.   When he finds, learns to under­stand, accepts and choos­es to apply these spir­i­tu­al truths as they are intend­ed, he will expe­ri­ence unpar­al­leled ben­e­fits of The Par­a­digm of True Knowl­edge of Suc­cess for his life jour­ney.

For us to expe­ri­ence this par­a­digm shift in our lives, we must learn to use God’s true knowl­edge of suc­cess prin­ci­ples exact­ly as designed so as to release the pow­er of God into our life.  He wants to accom­pa­ny us on our life jour­ney; but we must allow him to do so. 

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Copy­right 2012 Jim Com­ley

In GOD we Trust

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