
Whatever We Ask

We Can Call Our Prayers Answered

I don’t pre­tend to be an expert on the sub­ject of prayer.  In fact I am just a stu­dent, learn­ing and writ­ing about God’s word.  I have learned that God wants you and me to pros­per on earth while prepar­ing for eter­ni­ty just as pro­vid­ed for us through His gift of Sal­va­tion.  If we lack, let us ask in prayer encour­aged by God’s Word.  We should remem­ber God wants our prayers to include thanks­giv­ing and praise.  Ref: Matthew 6:5–6, John 16:23–24, & 1 John 5:15.

Jesus had much to say to us about prayer and faith.  His min­istry includ­ed heal­ing the sick, rais­ing the dead, and feed­ing the poor as well as the good news of the Gospel; and, includ­ed teach­ing us how to pray, and how to have our prayers answered.  Jesus taught the Spir­i­tu­al Laws of God, and His min­istry was loaded with exam­ples of God’s grace and pow­er.  God’s Spir­i­tu­al laws are appar­ent in his spe­cif­ic les­son in the Lord’s Prayer “In this man­ner, there­fore, pray.”  Ref: Matthew 6:5–13.

I believe prayer is a heart­felt means of releas­ing the pow­er of God’s Spir­i­tu­al Laws and God’s Grace on our behalf; and prayer must come from the heart, not just the mind.  Prayer is very per­son­al, between God and you.  In Math­ew 6:6 Jesus tell us  “.… when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you open­ly.”

God’s word says he will reward us.  That sounds like answered prayer to me. 

Gen­uine prayer is very per­son­al because it comes from the heart and it is very dif­fi­cult to speak of prayer uni­ver­sal­ly.      Nev­er­the­less, faith being the answer, there are uni­ver­sal spir­i­tu­al truths ( e.g. God’s Word) con­cern­ing prayer that can actu­al­ly empow­er your faith.  As I learn of them I want to share them with you.

God is gra­cious and mer­ci­ful, and answers prayers sim­ply because he loves us.  He demon­strates his love through, kind­ness, favor, ten­der mer­cy, and with answered prayers for those who believe.  Some­times God will cus­tomize our prayer to “bet­ter fit” our need.  I believe we can have what­ev­er we ask in faith, though the answer may not come to us in the same detail as we think.  God often cus­tomizes His answer to our prayer for our ben­e­fit.

I have learned God is the way, and faith, with­out a doubt, is the answer.  Ask accord­ing to God’s will for ask­ing, and He will hear you.

Ref:  John 5:14–15 “Now this is the con­fi­dence that we have in Him, that if we ask any­thing accord­ing to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, what­ev­er we ask, we know that we have the peti­tions that we have asked of Him.”

Fol­low me next time when “Prayer and Faith” will be the sub­ject, with a title to be announced, as I bring you more of God’s Design for Man.

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Teresa West
Teresa West
1 year ago


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