Activate God’s Design for Your Success.
Little known and scarcely understood truths about our mind.
Our Mind: The Thoughtful, Choosing, Mind-Body Connection.
Our mind has been subject of debate, seemingly, forever. There have always been different views, from philosophers and scientists alike, on human mind functions and its relationship to our lives. Libraries are filled with books about the mind of man; so the subject of the “mind” will scarcely be exhausted by me as I write here of my learning how God breathed life into man and he became a living soul. Man, wow, what a creation from God! A living soul! (Genesis 2:7). We were created with glory and honor a little lower than angels, with power over our works. (Hebrews 2:7). Our mind gives us the means to exercise this power of “living.”
James Allen, in As a Man Thinketh, wrote, “At birth the soul comes to its own, and through every step of its earthly pilgrimage it attracts those combinations of conditions that reveal itself, that are the reflections of its own purity and impurity, its strength and weakness.
We do not attract what we want, but what we are. Our whims, fancies, and ambitions, are thwarted at every step, but our innermost thoughts and desires are fed with their own food, be it good or bad. The ‘divinity that shapes our ends’ is in ourselves; it is our very self. And so we are held prisoners only by ourselves: Our own thoughts and actions are the jailers of our fate — they imprison, if they are base; they are also the angels of freedom — they liberate, if they are noble.”
From the inner core of the brain where our soul is, our mind thrives. There is common belief that man is body, soul, and spirit; and within the soul our mind, will, and emotions flourish. The mind holds a power and dominance over our fleshly body. It is profoundly powerful and sure, yet complex for man to understand. Man’s soul holds a special connection with the spirit of man. I have come to believe the soul, “man’s being,” connects man to the spirit of man. Then when we find Christ we are born of the Spirit thus empowering us [our soul through our spirit] to communicate with God on a spiritual level.
Subconscious Mind
There, in the soul, the mind creates, receives, and transmits thoughts into choices and actions; and also operates subconsciously to control all automatic functions of mankind. Maxwell Maltz called it the subconscious mind. He went on to say “subconscious mind” is not a “mind” at all, but a mechanism—a “servo-mechanism” consisting of the brain and nervous system, which is used by, and directed by the mind.”
Some human functions are built in, while some are learned such as when a child learns to talk and walk. Some learned abilities such as walking are embedded into our subconscious so we can walk without taking conscious thought. There are scientific views emerging that shows there to be complex links [interplay] between the mind and body. The mind operates both consciously and subconsciously to control mankind. Our cognitive faculties include perceptions, our thoughts, consciousness, and memory so as to process reasoning, our choices as decisions, and problem solving; all part of the living soul of mankind.
I would be amiss if I failed to include “choice” in this mind-body discussion. Within our mind we have been given the power of choice. Yes, power in the form of our free will to choose. In the mind along with our perceptions, our thoughts, consciousness, memory, and our ability to choose, there is a bidirectional relationship of the mind to the body. Viktor E. Frankl, in Man’s Search for Meaning wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” It is as Viktor Frankl said “…choosing one’s attitude…” that I write about here today.
What this means is this: While we cannot always choose what we face in life, such as our circumstances, even our thoughts, but we can always choose our attitude toward those circumstances and thoughts. That is we will always have within our mind the power of choice! So, from our minds we maintain control of our words and actions, good or bad. We even have control over thoughts in that we can “choose” to accept [to act on] them or “choose” to reject them. This answers a question I have heard some ask, “Who really has authority over your life? Who is in control? Our mind, our will, and our emotions spring forth from our soul into choices and actions, thus we live. Moses made it obvious in Deuteronomy 30:19–22 where in part he said”…Choose life..”
In discussing the mind we must realize we cannot separate the mind from many of the other processes of our being. From the eternal core of our soul, our mind, will, and emotions, we create ourselves; our personality, and our character, our lives. And in so doing we must remember the soul is connected to the spirit of man and is often visible to others as we outwardly reflect our inner being. The soul deals with moral, intangible, and eternal aspects of our lives.
Mind and Health and Welfare.
Here in America our health care system is still studying and treating the mind and body as two separate entities. I contend our Creator linked our mind and body so we might benefit from adopting more holistic approach to our health. And I believe James Allen would surely agree, our wishes and prayers will be answered only when they are aligned with our minds and accepted thoughts and actions, all of which must align with the will of God.
In his book, Faith and Confessions, Charles Capps wrote, “ The word of God is the will of God. It is God’s will, but it won’t happen in your life just because it’s God’s will. You will not be healed just because the Bible says, …by whose (Jesus) stripes ye were healed(1 Peter 2:24). You will not become prosperous just because the Bible says, …whatsoever he doeth shall prosper(PS.1:3).” He continued, “The word must be inside you. You can’t take a Bible down to the hospital and lay it on someone to get them healed, although the Bible is full of the Word of God. But if you can get that word inside them, it will manifest itself. The Word produces when it is planted in the heart.”
Our prosperity and our healing, [our good health] begins in our minds. So our prayers are created in our minds; as we think, we pray.
As I post this writing, I pray that each of you reading this can find the truth of God’s Design in the matter of your mind-body connection. It seems to me that our goal should be to align our minds thoughts with the WILL OF GOD.
Join me next time as I explore how our emotions can work for us on our successful life journey.