As I research and study both biblical and non-biblical sources, I pray for wisdom as I search out and write about the truth about our human “emotions.” While I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist I do have a drive to understand how God has design us, so naturally I want to know how emotions work in my life. I am not in search of rules, but of truth in God’s design for man. Not as an end all solution, but to open our minds to the possibilities inherent in learning of God’s plan for mankind’s use of his emotions; feelings both good and bad and how to cope.
The subject of emotions and its many questions have been debated for thousands of years; and still is a primary discussion among educators and psychologists everywhere. But I ask, who of them are bringing God into the discussions? And why do we have and experience emotions? How do we control our emotions? In this age of gross miss information and perverse cultures, exploring these questions is more important than ever.
As I have written before, God had a plan for man when he created man and women with mind, will, and emotions. And He cleverly, by my understanding, included in man’s design a unique power to control the emotions. The power of choice and will gives man such power. As my research expanded I was reminded of the vast implications to mankind of “emotions” and how his choices to react to them actually affects his life. The effects can be dramatic and profound, but often not desirable.
An over simplification perhaps, but I see emotions are to humans what a gyroscope and compass are to a flying aircraft. While the compass has been around for many years before, in the early days of aircraft development the gyroscope was invented to show a pilot when his aircraft was upright. So together they helped keep the pilot upright and on course. Science has evolved the mechanical gyroscopes to less mechanical and more digital and involved computer controls to help man fly aircraft or other aerial projects. Emotions help us know when our life is upright and heading in the right direction. Emotions connect with our brain [mankind’s computer] to react to the emotion. Will our emotional reactions be for good or bad?
A Generous Gift
A generous gift from our Creator; emotions are feelings that affect our lives. I believe our emotions are intended for our good but sadly there are bad times when emotions often work against us. As I wrote previously: There is common belief that man is body, soul, and spirit; and within the soul our mind, will, and emotions flourish. Emotions are a critical part of human behavior, just as God Planned. The mind holds a power and dominance over our fleshly body. The mind is profoundly powerful and sure, yet complex for man to understand. Man’s soul holds a special connection with the spirit of man. I have come to believe the soul, “man’s being,” that is connected to the “spirit” of man will reflect outwardly the inner emotions of man: And thus create our personality which is as someone once said, “…an outer expression of an inner attitude.” Then when we find Christ we are born of the Spirit thus empowering us [our soul through our spirit] to communicate with God on a spiritual level, and communicate with man from the heart [the spirit of man]. The intricately critical workings of a man’s life, his being, his personality, is directed by not only his mind and will, but under the influence of his emotions. Emotions reflect a peaceful spirit or a not so peaceful spirit. James Allen spoke of self control and emotions when he said, “Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, “Peace, be still!” and, “Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.”
When we use our intellect and our will in favor of self control, and can learn how to NOT allow WRONG emotional reactions into our lives; how not to be controlled by pride and vanity we are sure to come out on the right course. But sadly, in today’s social and media worlds, we see all too often impulsive emotional reactions triggered by hate and prejudices. I is both sad and alarming when you realize these outbursts come from the heart of the persons involved.
We must learn to distinguish intuitive feelings [emotions] from our reasoning intellectual knowledge. After considerable research including several dictionary reviews, prayers, and deep thought, here is how I define emotions. Emotions: A feeling resulting from an instinctive state of mind for humans derived from the circumstances of the moment at hand that emanate from that feeling and sensation that come about for a person from his or her circumstances of the moment. I did not find any real differences in the few dictionaries I reviewed on emotions; I did find they lacked in substance of what really defines “emotions.” During my life, having had emotional outbursts with bad tone of voice experiences, many of which I would not be proud to repeat, I learned that many times the emotional event was triggered by an impulsive action. Wrong impulsiveness comes from the heart the same as right does. But, thank God, I would eventually learn we can choose to change our hearts, and so maintain self control over the emotions effects on our lives.
Since it is widely accepted by Christians and non-Christians alike, that we are born with emotions; then the real question must be, how do we learn to control our emotions and not allow wrong emotional reactions into our lives? Emotions do exert certain power over the mind; so we want to avoid the binding and blinding effects some emotions can have on our lives. Awareness of emotional affects, and how they can work for us or against us in our lives, can have real life changing affects when we make the right choices. It has been said fear triggers a fight or flight response. When this happens to us, self control [the will] can help us hold our ground [not panic] and turn the emotion to our benefit. We have will power [self control] so we can choose to use it for our benefit. God instilled emotions into man to help him find his way; they can keep us on course. He created man with mind, will, emotions. Our will gives us the power to choose. I ask you, What are choosing to do with your emotional experience?
As I got more into the study of emotions to learn more of God’s plan, I found it helpful to list words of my thinking that were results of my emotions. Words signifying emotions and words that trigger emotions can appear in different forms such as happy and happiness. I put together a list of emotional signifying words [not conclusive] shown below. I should note: There are more words one can add to this list of emotional feelings should you desire. I then searched the KJV and the NIV Bible for the word emotion which I did not find. Then I searched for each word on the list. As I listed each word I did “feel” an emotion; then I discovered different emotional signifying words appeared a different number of times. For example notice in the list below the words “love and faith” compared to the word ‘admire.” Oh, then it occurred to me; the more the word appears the more importance God placed on that emotion. Remember what God said of charity: [love]: “1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
*NOTE: Love was listed 686 times. Wow, what a lesson!
The words listed signify an emotion; the number in brackets [ ], indicates how many times the emotion appears in NIV of the Bible. I chose to list from the NIV version of the Bible. There is no particular meaning or significance to the sequence of the list I have put together below, though I did alphabetize it for convenience. While this is not a study in etymology it is indicative of “feelings” resulting from a particular circumstance or events at a particular moment of life. As you read the word you can feel an emotion.
- Admire [1]
- Adore [1]
- Amaze [54]
- Anger [268]
- Anxiety [7]
- Appalling [26]
- Awe [53]
- Calmness [1]
- Confusion [19]
- Contempt [43]
- Craving [7]
- Disgust [5]
- Enjoy [61]
- Envy [20]
- Excitement [1]
- Faith [458]
- Fear [336]
- Gratitude [5]
- Guilt [189]
- Happy [26]
- Hate[127]
- Horror 24
- Joy [242]
- Love*[686]
- Pride [63]
- Rage [35]
- Relief [19]
- Sad [39]
- Satisfaction [4]
- Surprise [14]
- Sympathy [6]
- Triumph [34]
- Trust [170]
Examples of words that signify emotions; awesome insights into God’s Design for man.
I see our emotions as our life’s gyroscope and compass in God’s design to keep our lives upright and on course. I see us as being able to control our emotions during our life journey.
As I post this writing, I pray that each of you reading this can find the truth of God’s Design in the matter of Emotions. It seems to me that our goal should be to align our minds thoughts and emotions with the WILL OF GOD.
Join me next time as I explore how Our Choices Determine Our Success.