
Our Choices Determine Our Success — Part Two

Little known and scarcely understood truths.
Power of Choice

When I closed my last arti­cle I asked you to fol­low me again as I con­tin­ue Our Choic­es Deter­mine Our Suc­cess.  This arti­cle may appear more like an epi­logue than a con­tin­u­a­tion.

As I opened my eyes this morn­ing, my mind began its usu­al roam­ing as I set up.  I sud­den­ly remem­bered; I have a choice  how I start my day. I do start with a grate­ful heart and short and sim­ple but sin­cere “Good morn­ing God, thank you for anoth­er day.”  It will sur­prise most peo­ple who are new to this, just how effec­tive it is in mak­ing a much bet­ter day.  It has been said “To have a good day, start with pos­i­tive thoughts.”  How true it is.  The choice is ours.

The Problem

Knowl­edge and truth are often lost in today’s world of hyper activ­i­ty and the “apa­thy mind­set” cul­ture.   In today’s cul­ture it is like­ly a lost fact, a sim­ple but pro­found fact, that we have a choice how we start our days.  Every day, whether we are con­scious of it or not, we choose how we will start our day.  The truth is:  The knowl­edge of know­ing that it is real­ly up to you, is a pow­er­ful life chang­er.  Pow­er­ful!  Yes, a pow­er that comes to us at birth when God endowed each of us with “will.”

It is our will pow­er that deter­mines “how we choose?”  We have all been blessed with this gift at cre­ation, a pow­er to choose.  We have been giv­en the “will” to deter­mine, in whole or part, our des­tiny.

The pow­er of choice:  You are bar­gain­ing with your life through your choic­es.  The affects of choic­es on our lives is well illus­trat­ed in this poem by Jessie B. Rit­ten­house.

My Wage

I bar­gained with Life for a pen­ny,
And Life would pay no more,
How­ev­er I begged at evening
When I count­ed my scanty store;

For Life is a just employ­er,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dis­mayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.

What are you choos­ing for your life?  The pow­er of choice is real pow­er and it is yours to make.  If it is desire you need, you sim­ply choose to desire. If it is belief in your­self you need, you can, if you just choose to believe. If it is knowl­edge you need, you can choose to get it.  If it is com­mit­ment you need you must choose to be com­mit­ted.  Only then, you must choose real com­mit­ment, that is real­ly being com­mit­ted to make right choic­es.  How?  You may be think­ing.  The Lord tells us in Math­ew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be giv­en you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

The choice is yours!


As I post this writ­ing, I pray that each of you have found the truth in the mat­ter of Our Choic­es Deter­mine Our Suc­cess.  Join me next time as I con­tin­ue to explore God’s design for man.

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