Faith Challenges

Faith Challenges

Strug­gling with your faith because of ill­ness?

To Strug­gle with one’s faith is not a triv­ial mat­ter.  No res­o­lu­tion in that strug­gle will come through mind over mat­ter.  It will come only from the Spir­it of God to the spir­it of man.

I have strug­gled with this Faith in God or doc­tor Issue many times in my life think­ing it was a con­flict in my Faith.  And it was.  Rec­on­cil­ing the need for doc­tors with my Faith has been a real chal­lenge.  At first I did not real­ize it would be resolved spir­i­tu­al­ly.   It was dur­ing those chal­leng­ing times that I was study­ing the bible when I found where James wrote If any of you lack wis­dom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men lib­er­al­ly, and upbraideth not; and it shall be giv­en him.”  Ref. James 1:5 KJV.   So, I began to ask God for wis­dom in this area, and just as promised He began pro­vid­ing me with answers.  Over time I came to real­ize that God can heal ill­ness while doc­tors treat the symp­toms.  And I began think­ing per­haps we should include the doc­tor in our prayer for heal­ing.

God has been help­ing me learn that I can “get the most from Him and from my care­tak­ers” when I keep my eyes on Him.

FREE GIFT!  Here are some scrip­tures that will help you to keep your eyes on Christ dur­ing dif­fi­cult times.  They come on 8 1/2 x 11 size.  Print it on card stock, cut out cards and car­ry with you.  DOWNLOAD IS INSTANT!  Get Free down­load here.

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