
The New Covenant and Gift of Salvation

To write about God’s Word is an awe­some task.  But as I began to pre­pare to write this arti­cle I launched a mas­sive research effort to find the truth.  When I prayed ask­ing for guid­ance in this endeav­or, I received a “know­ing” of God’s promise that those who seek will find the truth.  Even after all the years of read­ing the Bible, I was “awestruck” as I began to real­ize the mas­sive­ness of this sub­ject.  I set out to learn what God’s design was for man con­cern­ing the New Covenant con­tract and the gift of sal­va­tion.


There was God’s covenant with man as described in the Old Tes­ta­ment.  Of course, most Bible read­ers will know this and will know that there is a “New” covenant described in the New Tes­ta­ment.

What I did not under­stand until recent­ly is:

the New Tes­ta­ment is “The New Covenant.”

Dur­ing my younger years as an entre­pre­neur, I often used what was then known as an “Offer and Accep­tance” con­tract form in trans­act­ing real estate deals.  It was a legal offer, and when accept­ed, was a legal bind­ing con­tract.  As I write, I see the resem­blance of “The New Covenant Con­tract,” and the New Tes­ta­ment terms of the offer and accep­tance.

There­fore I believe the New Covenant includes an “offer and accep­tance.”  In the terms and con­di­tions, there is the “Gift of Sal­va­tion.”  When we accept God’s gift of sal­va­tion we are sign­ing the con­tract in “accep­tance” of its terms and con­di­tions (God’s terms and con­di­tions) for liv­ing a suc­cess­ful life pros­per­ing body, soul, and spir­it.  Jesus signed and sealed the “New Covenant” con­tract with His own blood.

New Covenant

διαθήκη, diathēkē, dee-ath-ay’-kay

From G1303; prop­er­ly a dis­po­si­tion, that is, (specif­i­cal­ly) a con­tract (espe­cial­ly a devi­so­ry will): — covenant, tes­ta­ment.

1 Corinthi­ans 11:25

 In the same man­ner He also took the cup after sup­per, say­ing, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remem­brance of Me.”

Where to find New Covenant in the New Tes­ta­ment

“The New Covenant” is God’s Rule Book for Liv­ing.


yeshû‛âh, yesh-oo’-aw

Fem­i­nine pas­sive par­tici­ple of H3467; some­thing saved, that is, (abstract­ly) deliv­er­ance; hence aid, vic­to­ry, pros­per­i­ty: — deliv­er­ance, health, help (-ing), sal­va­tion, save, sav­ing (health), wel­fare.

There are those who teach Sal­va­tion as being saved, born again, with­out men­tion­ing that Jesus also bore our sick­ness­es and dis­eases on the cross. Sal­va­tion for our soul and the heal­ing of our bod­ies was paid for at the very same moment there on the cross, as well as pro­vid­ing a “New Covenant.”  The New Covenant pro­vides for our pros­per­i­ty, body, soul, and spir­it.

Romans 10:10

For with the heart one believes unto right­eous­ness, and with the mouth con­fes­sion is made unto sal­va­tion.

Where to find Sal­va­tion in the New Tes­ta­ment

It should be not­ed that we can­not have one with­out the oth­er; that is, God’s Gift of Sal­va­tion can­not be sep­a­rat­ed from the “New Covenant.”

Life is a chal­lenge as our ene­my, Satan, is present near­ly every minute try­ing “like hell” to get us to vio­late our part of the con­tract.  It takes focus, ded­i­ca­tion, deter­mi­na­tion, and faith to stay the course.  The New Covenant is actu­al­ly “God’s Will and Tes­ta­ment.”

I have includ­ed here def­i­n­i­tions from Strong’s plus sev­er­al scrip­tures from NKJV, not con­clu­sive, but cer­tain­ly will serve as reminders for those of use want­i­ng more of the Truth so we can stay the course.

I found in NKJV of bible there to be 166 occur­rences of “Sal­va­tion” [44 in New Tes­ta­ment] and 12 occur­rences [11 in New Tes­ta­ment] for “New Covenant.”  The lists includ­ed show the books of the bible where you will find the sub­jects.

Again let us remem­ber: Jesus Prayed that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heav­en.   May God’s will be done in your life.  I should note:  Today we are under a NEW COVENANT which is God’s will estab­lished for us all and sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Our prayers should be “in Jesus’ name.”

Bless­ings to you and yours,

Fol­low me next time as I bring you more of God’s Design for Man.

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