The “As If” Success Principle — Part Three

Suc­cess doesn’t depend on who you are, or your assets, it comes sole­ly as you think, as you speak, and as you act from the ABUNDANCE OF YOUR HEART.

Start­ing is easy, BUT Suc­ceed­ing takes Desire, Faith, Hope, Love, Action, and Patience to Per­se­vere, all Pow­ered by Prayer

This “As IF Suc­cess Prin­ci­ple” is not dif­fi­cult to prac­tice.   Any­one can learn to do it.  It is a pow­er­ful, even mys­te­ri­ous, abil­i­ty built deep with­in us by our cre­ator. Start by map­ping out your jour­ney.  Where to start?  Start now, Right where you are.  It will get eas­i­er as you move for­ward.  These bits of truth point in the right direc­tion:  Willie Nel­son once said “There is only one map to the jour­ney of life and it lives with­in your heart.” and Arthur Ashe said “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

The “as if suc­cess prin­ci­ple” func­tions on, a built into man, [lit­tle under­stood], inter­nal force that lives with­in us, that dri­ves man to become, or achieve, exact­ly what is imaged.  Image and speak it enough times, and it will come to live in your heart.  Remem­ber, thoughts can become things.  These con­cepts work by putting faith into action.  Is this Mag­ic?  No.  Pos­si­ble yes! It is REAL and it WORKS.  This same truth is right­ly referred to in the bible as “call­ing things that are not to bring to naught things that are.”  Can be said anoth­er way, “Call­ing things that are not as though they be.”  It includes an eter­nal prin­ci­ple of look­ing at “the unseen” rather than the seen.  We can use imag­ing to help us accom­plish this.  There is Devine pow­er in focus­ing eter­nal truths toward our liv­ing suc­cess­ful­ly.  It takes desire, knowl­edge, faith, hope, love and action, among oth­er truths to live suc­cess­ful­ly.  Why does this work?  It works because it is a faith builder.  Faith is built in the heart by rep­e­ti­tion.  God cre­at­ed prin­ci­ples always work when worked.

Our imag­in­ings pass from the present con­scious mind mys­te­ri­ous­ly into our sub­con­scious mind as seeds ready to grow.   They are then plant­ed as seeds into our fer­tile hearts where they will grow as long as they are prop­er­ly nour­ished:  Images and words that line up with God’s Design.  As our heart accepts images, growth begins from an incred­i­ble God cre­at­ed force work­ing to bring the image into real­i­ty.  Then From the abun­dance of our heart our des­tiny grows in our life jour­ney.  Imag­ing some­thing as if it be real will grow your faith to keep you on a suc­cess­ful life jour­ney.

Claude M. Bris­tol in his famous book The Mag­ic of Believ­ing did not say it as I do, but he believed it the same as I do.   There are lit­tle known and scarce­ly under­stood uni­ver­sal truths per­tain­ing to “see­ing the unseen.”  Paul the Apos­tle tells us how to change the unde­sir­ables you may be see­ing; that is the “seen things in your life that you don’t desire.  Here is what I believe Paul meant.  He says in part, “…look not at the things [unde­sir­ables] which are seen but to look at the unseen [the desir­able things].  Seen things are sub­ject to change.  The unseen are eter­nal, that is spir­i­tu­al and sub­ject to our Cre­ators Spir­i­tu­al Laws.  We were cre­at­ed with the abil­i­ty to use these Spir­i­tu­al Laws to our ben­e­fit.”  Brack­ets by me.

This “As If Prin­ci­ple”, like many oth­er uni­ver­sal prin­ci­ples of truth, is like­ly to be gross­ly mis­un­der­stood.  To many it is lit­tle known and scarce­ly under­stood, and to oth­ers may even be a secret [as in being hid from their view].  I pray you will have the desire to learn the truth about these con­cepts and of God’s design.  You can look back at Part one  and Part two of this pow­er­ful suc­cess prin­ci­ple to review the spir­i­tu­al laws that gov­ern it.  We must remem­ber that all God’s Pow­er has been made avail­able for those who believe.

Suc­cess doesn’t depend on who you are, or your assets, it comes sole­ly as you think, as you speak, and as you act from the ABUNDANCE OF YOUR HEART.

Fol­low my com­ing arti­cles of God’s Design for Man.

The truths described here are many and are truths that can be ver­i­fied in the KJV of the bible.  Quo­ta­tion marks, ital­ics, bold­ing, and under­scor­ing I use for empha­sis.

REFERENCES and SOURCES of True Knowl­edge are many.  These are only a few.


 2 Cor 4:17, 1817 For our light afflic­tion, which is but for a moment, wor­keth for us a far more exceed­ing and eter­nal weight of glo­ry; 18 While we look not at           the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are tem­po­ral; but the things which are not seen are eter­nal.

 1 Corinthi­ans 1:2828 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God cho­sen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

  1 Corinthi­ans 2:1212 Now we have received, not the spir­it of the world, but the spir­it which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely giv­en to us of God.

   Matthew 21:21 21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ver­i­ly I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this moun­tain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

    Mark 11:23 23 For ver­i­ly I say unto you, That whoso­ev­er shall say unto this moun­tain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have what­so­ev­er he saith.

     Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the begin­ning of knowl­edge: but fools despise wis­dom and instruc­tion.

     Romans 10:17 17 So then faith cometh by hear­ing, and hear­ing by the word of God.

     Matthew 7:8  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh find­eth; and to him that knock­eth it shall be opened.

            Matthew 21:22 And all things, what­so­ev­er ye shall ask in prayer, believ­ing, ye shall receive.

Just a few FAMOUS PHILOSOPHERS and oth­er influ­en­tial teach­ers.

Dr. Paul Collins,Dale Carnegie,Zig Ziglar,Norman V. Peale,Robert Schuller,Willie Nelson,Denis Waitley,Claude M. Bristol,Napoleon Hill,Plato


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Dr Paul Collins
10 months ago

Excel­lent essay! Tremen­dous insight into the inner work­ings of per­son­al achieve­ment.

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