
Starting Your Day

Jim Com­ley God’s Design Jan­u­ary 16, 2023 | 1

How you choose to start your day pro­found­ly impacts your life.

Yes, start­ing your day with some­thing POSITIVE will be a “Life Chang­er.” I know because it was for me. I now believe this with all my heart though I did not always. You prob­a­bly remem­ber the truth as sim­ple as “you can if you think you can?” This truth was once well known, even taught, can be over­come by the many neg­a­tives that we are bom­bard­ed with dai­ly? There was a time when teach­ings like “The Lit­tle Engine that Could” pos­i­tive­ly impact­ed chil­dren.

The Lit­tle Engine That Could is an Amer­i­can folk­tale that became wide­ly known in the Unit­ed States after pub­li­ca­tion in 1930 by Platt & Munk. The sto­ry is used to teach chil­dren the val­ue of opti­mism and hard work. Based on a 2007 online poll, the Nation­al Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion list­ed the book as one of its “Teach­ers’ Top 100 Books for Chil­dren”. Sourced thru online Wikipedia

Over the years I learned to improve my “life atti­tude” from neg­a­tive to pos­i­tive and in doing so I began to observe oth­er people’s many dif­fer­ent approach­es to start­ing a new day. I remem­ber a time in my past when I had employed and per­son­al­ly super­vised up to 50 or 60 peo­ple at a time for large con­struc­tion projects; and how these peo­ple come to work each morn­ing, I remem­ber some real grouch­es that crossed my path. I can only imag­ine how they start­ed their day before they left for work. Like­ly it was some­thing like, “OH GOD! IT’S MORNING!” Then he would growl all the way to work and all thru the day.

There were many days I had my cof­fee and was off into anoth­er day [in the fast lane]. And thru the years there were times when I was not so thrilled to greet the morn­ing. Then, there were times before I learned to say “Good Morn­ing God”, as I was expe­ri­enc­ing pos­i­tive growth, that I might go into my day singing “Oh, what a beau­ti­ful morn­ing, what a beau­ti­ful day.” As I learned to over­come those neg­a­tive feel­ings with pos­i­tive words, and at some rare times even singing, and pos­i­tive actions became eas­i­er, and my days became more enjoy­able.

I was blessed to be able to attend many Dale Carnegie train­ing ses­sions and sem­i­nars of oth­er moti­va­tion­al speak­ers like Zig Ziglar. I was hun­gry for self improve­ment so I nev­er missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend.

One day, in a Dale Carnegie ses­sion “How to Win Friends and Influ­ence Peo­ple,” I was intro­duced to the con­cept of “Good Morn­ing” enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly expressed, whether we felt that way or not, and how it would change our day and even our lives. So, I began and fol­lowed the instructor’s advice to give it 30 days? And I soon learned it worked, so I began doing that more enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly than usu­al.

My sec­re­tary said one day, “Hey lis­ten to him, he is hav­ing a good day.” “Yes,” I said to myself, “I real­ly am, thanks to the Carnegie train­ing.” It was some time lat­er that I changed that morn­ing con­cept to include “Good Morn­ing God.” You see, I had learned the pow­er­ful affect that pos­i­tive thoughts and words were hav­ing for me. I grew to like and use this one to start my days: I would say in pri­vate “Good Morn­ing God! Thank you for anoth­er day.”

In anoth­er of Dale Carnegie Sales Train­ing ses­sion I was intro­duced to this scrip­ture: “Death and life are in the pow­er of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit there­of.” Proverbs 18:21. The instruc­tor made the point that for us suc­cess or fail­ure in sales was in the pow­er of the tongue; and that we must learn what to say, what not to say, when to not say any­thing, and most assured­ly, how we say it; as in speak­ing through a frown or smile.

Lit­tle did I know at that time just how vast­ly impor­tant our words are for all areas of our lives. The pow­er of the tongue in our dai­ly con­fes­sions will improve our lives that day and ulti­mate­ly our entire life. Know it or not, our dai­ly con­fess­ing of words evolve from our thoughts, which are as seeds, and will grow to become part of our future. We must learn to con­trol our con­fes­sions and com­bine them with the pow­er of faith to attain the life we desire.

Hav­ing a desire to suc­ceed in life is a good rea­son to choose con­fess­ing dai­ly, an enthu­si­as­tic “Good Morn­ing God” or some pos­i­tive greet­ing to the day and to those around you. It will cer­tain­ly improve your life today and to eter­ni­ty and beyond.

A small part of God’s Design for Man.  Fol­low my Blog.

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