Gods today


Mind-Body Connection

Acti­vate God’s Design for Your Suc­cess. Lit­tle known and scarce­ly under­stood truths about our mind. Our Mind:  The Thought­ful, Choos­ing, Mind-Body Con­nec­tion. Our mind has been sub­ject of debate, seem­ing­ly, for­ev­er.  There have always been dif­fer­ent views, from philoso­phers and sci­en­tists alike, on human mind func­tions and its rela­tion­ship to our lives.  Libraries are filled… Con­tin­ue read­ing

Our Will

Acti­vate God’s Design for Your Suc­cess. Lit­tle known and scarce­ly under­stood truths about our “free will.” OUR FREE WILL. Through­out the ages man has been in search for pur­pose.  Philoso­phers such as Pla­to, Aris­to­tle, Augus­tine, Aquinas, Descartes, and many oth­ers spent their entire lives in pur­suit of, sought after, and wrote about their visions of… Con­tin­ue read­ing

The “As If” Success Principle — Part One

WHERE TO BEGIN Man was cre­at­ed with an awe­some, pow­er­ful, and some­time mys­te­ri­ous abil­i­ty to suc­ceed in life.  Lit­er­al­ly, man was cre­at­ed to suc­ceed!  We have the abil­i­ty to choose the direc­tion of our life’s jour­ney.  You may have already begun your suc­cess jour­ney; if not, then start today, now.  You can choose now to… Con­tin­ue read­ing

2024, A New Year, can have New Beginnings, Even a Renewing of the Mind

Lit­tle known and scarce­ly under­stood Spir­i­tu­al Prin­ci­ples from God’s Word. I have long mar­veled at the spir­i­tu­al teach­ings of Jesus dur­ing his brief time here on earth.  Many times he taught using para­bles, but at times he was much more direct.  One such teach­ing, I imag­ine, went some­thing like this.  He was with his dis­ci­ples,… Con­tin­ue read­ing